Herd Share contracts

half gallon glass milk bottles

Yearly Herd Share

Gives you weekly access to pick up your cows milk in glass bottles on farm. Herd Share Farm Tours are only available April, May and June.

The button is our yearly herd lease contract. Once signed, it is a legal binding contract.

Short Term Herd Share

MI Milk Mail

Gives you weekly access to your cows milk by mail only in the state of Michigan. Once it leave the farm it is at the mercy of the delivery service. This share is only for 1 gallon per week, for 4 weeks. THIS IS NOT FOR ON FARM PICK UP.

  • Herd Share Cost: $5/week

    • This is the contract to own cows

  • Weekly feeding, boarding and bottling cost: $16/week

    • This is paying us to take care of your cows and bottling your milk

  • Shipping cost: varies by address

    Once a contract is signed you will be directed to shipping options.


Learn about our herd share. What we test the milk for. How much it costs to become a Woodbridge Owner. Yes, you will own cows and yes, we do the work.