Milk Herd Shares


Becoming a Woodbridge Herd Share Owner allows you to own the cows so that you can have access to your cows’ fresh, unprocessed whole milk (a.k.a. raw milk). You own the cows + pay the farmer to do the work, and you get the milk. That’s a win for everyone!

“The Ladies of the Barn” (milk cows) are DNA tested and are A2/A2. This means the milk is easier to digest. They live on pasture during the warm season and have access to a free stall barn with sand bedding all year round. They are fed grain with minerals at milking time, because a momma producing milk and growing a baby needs proper nutrition.

Yearly Herd Share

Our Yearly Herd Share gives you weekly access to pick up your cow’s milk in glass bottles on the farm.


MI Milk Mail


Our short term Herd Share provides weekly access to your cow’s milk by mail, only in the state of Michigan. Once the milk leaves the farm, it is at the mercy of the delivery service. This share is only for 1 gallon per week, for 4 weeks. THIS IS NOT FOR ON-FARM PICK UP.