Beer Steamed Brats with sautéed onions

Beer steamed brats with sautéed onions

Quick summer meal that taste just like fair food. Beer Steamed Brats with delicious caramelized onions.


1 pkg, Woodbridge Bratwurst

1 sweet onion cut into slices

1/2 can of beer

1 tbs. butter for the skillet

DIRECTIONS (4 servings)

  1. Heat skillet to 250° F.

  2. Put butter into hot skillet.

  3. Add onion slices, and cook until they become soft and start to show a little color, push them to the side of the skillet.

  4. Add brats to the skillet.

  5. Add beer to the skillet and cover to allow to cook for 10 minutes.

  6. Take cover off and allow the beer to steam off and the brats and onions to finish caramelizing. Turn the brats and stir the onions to get an even coloring. It takes me about 8 to 10 minutes to get the caramelization I like on our brats and onions.

  7. Serve on your favorite buns. I love a good grainy mustard on mine.
